Life is so fragile, I recently realised that this thing
called life I only get to do once. That is an obvious statement but, it only
just registered now. There are no do over’s, clean slates and second chances.
With this at heart it blows my mind to hear stories of how people waste their
time: Mary doing drugs, spending the only life she has absent; Ntsako driving
recklessly as a result someone dying so that he can get to the party before the
alcohol runs out; Devon and Kenny smoking in their flat instead of studying and
perusing something greater for their lives.
The life that you are living right now is the only one that
you get so, live it well; seek greater things for yourself and for others. You
may have walked on awful paths, but there is a path ahead of you that you still
need to walk. A path that you get to choose everyday how you want to walk it.
This is not to say that it will be easy but, that you have the choice for a
better richer life. Your history has value in spite of what decisions you made;
your history is what has brought you to this moment. You cannot discard it even
if you try so embrace it and take notes for there is much to be learned from
Never underestimate the power of one
single good decision...
...because a great life, is one made up of
good decisions made every day.
Here is life, we will fall and we will fail, but the
question is after that moment of weakness what do you choose to do.
Only you can decide what defines you in life.