Thursday, 31 December 2015

A new year, a new day.

The fight never ends. Life is not different because it is a different year, our struggles they are all still there. Your bank balance is the same, your family still drives you crazy and your new year’s resolutions have been the same for the past 5 years. When the clock strikes midnight there won’t be any glass slippers to find, your dirty laundry needs to be washed, groceries bought and maintenance needs to get done around the house.

I think greatness happens in between all of that, ‘that’ being what we would call the mundane things of everyday. And might I add it is not mundane, it is essential, the annoy bath, breakfast, drive to work are possible reasons you could get fired if you didn’t do. I hope greatness happens in between all of this.

2015 had its moments, good and bad it is part of the past. I would like for 2016 to be different. Life being what it is, it will be the same good and bad the thing is I would like to choose how my 2016 goes. The saying goes 10% of life is what happens to you 90% is how you react/respond to it I wonder how true that is….

Today is the last day of the year, tomorrow is literally a new year, not just a new day; it comes with its beauties, its gloms but, it is new. A fresh start, that is what you get, what I get, what we get. So that leads me to wonder what I will do with my new year. I am afraid to make resolutions because there are pending resolutions… but, I will do it any way I will put 5 things in my journal… and I will revisit them often. I may fail, but I may succeed so I will be hopeful and realistic.

Another year has pasted and I am still writing… that is a win, I did not write as frequent as I wanted but, I still wrote but even more importantly you still read Thank you.

Happy New Year…   

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Could you love me, could you love me, please? The cries of a hated body…

No one ever teaches you to love yourself as you are.
Nip and tuck, exercise more, lose that muffin top, ‘and double chin.
But child, don’t you dear love yourself.
What are you crazy?
Who does that? 
Live your life constantly altering yourself
or seeking to do so for you will never be enough.
Look at the magazines they are right
you are too fat, too black, apple shape, 
who could love that so why do you?

Blaring and screaming those are the cries of my body. Never allowed to be happy or content to take a look in the mirror and love myself that feeling is like that of Halley's Comet, a rear sight. It should be precious for it is so rear, so crazy and unheard of.

When I see a child playing in the rain
clothes drenched and soaked
hair a hot mess,
face snotty and scared by fun
my thoughts….
Free from the opinions of man
Free from the embracement of being “grown”
Free from the media silhouette of beauty

FREE how does that word sound coming from your mouth…

Good Morning…. This is Gwen and she loves herself hot mess and all…

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Humility is at the core of who I am

The mere experience of being with people is enough to leave you humbled. Pride usually reside where people are present. It is a place where comparing, takes over, grades and classes are allocated and human beings defined by that which is seen on the outside. Living and being with people has been one of the most humbling experiences of my life. It has revealed not others to me, but rather myself to myself. I have learnt that as much patience that I have to exercise with others; others have to exercise with me and if not so more.

Life humbles sometimes in difficult ways, ways that you remember for every part of your life. Ways that make you cry when you think of them. Ways that bring shame and scorn to families. Oh, life humbles.  It has a way of showing you what truly matters and what a great waste is. Look at the large sums of young people dying, I sometimes feel like people don’t die of old age anymore, like it’s a thing of the past.

This I know my friend I have much to learn and more to grow. I do not wake up thinking that I am great but, I am often reminded but my heart that I am yet scorned by my heart that I am not. I wish I knew what tomorrow held, to just know or get a glimpse that this life i live contains more. Will I have left a legacy or will my words be hidden in unfound places? Forget I remember what I wrote remember what I said.

Will I have the honour to change a life, to move a heart, to do something beyond my earthen vessel? Can I too, be selfish and proudly say that i want to leave my footprint on this life. Can I? Would you let me be more than I envision for myself not deserving because I never will? I will never be qualified to recite a poem to you or have you read my work but could you anyway.....

 Humility is at the core of who I am.... wanted never attained..... such is LIFE

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Walking in my Sleep

Trying to get the approval of other people
Trying to know
What they think
What I should do and
How I should live my life

Standing in front of you right here
Trying to be someone I am NOT
Trying to find me
All my life I have been walking in my sleep
Stuck in this world trying to find me
Searching for me in the wrong place
Amongst the wrong people
Doing things to be seen
Only to be ignored
Finding a way out of this world
Disorientated, unaware and unskilled
of my surroundings
that are tough enough to kill

I’m living in a world that is not my own
A world in which I’m chasing a dream that is not even mine

All my life I have been living in my sleep

With the Greatness within me
to change the world
I can do anything
Today I will learn something about myself
That will change the rest of my life
My life is too short and valuable,
to live up to other people’s expectations
but, GOD’s

So today…I WAKE UP
I live with Destiny
I live with Fulfillment
and I live with PURPOSE

Thursday, 3 December 2015

The Fight’s been awhile...

I sometimes hate my talent, because it means I allow people to get to know more.  And I do not like that. I sometimes dream to be an island but, instead I’m human amongst humans, how annoying.

A few weeks ago I was asked to recite a poem instead I wrote a letter  to myself and now I share it with you. 

Dear You,
What fight are you fighting?

  • The voices of men and women who fought decades and centuries ago sounds nothing like the voices of this day. Today the voices sing a new song.
  • What interests me most is what fight are you fighting?
  • Remember when you were in high school, annoyed by one of your adolescent troubles and exclaimed “uh I can wait until I leave high school!”....  Well High Schools over, how is life now....
  • It was as if I was Maya Angelou’s Caged bird that...
 ....stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing

  • For in my head life is such a challenge all you can do is sing, Is this the song I sing to that reflects my heart (ah ah no... Maám I refuse) so like Maya I will ask plainly ...
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

  • I think you missed the question, I simply asked what are you fighting?
  • Okay fine; A Corrupt government has us lamenting the cries of Robert William Service
To hell with Government I say;
I'm sick of all the piddling pack.
I'd like to scram, get clean away,
And never, never more come back.
With a heart of hope I long to go
To some lost island of the sea,
And there get drunk with joy to know
No one on earth is over me.

  • Really now?
  • Okay what about compassion, I’m fighting for compassion, Is that not a right cause
Like a story told of a young man
Who went to his friend’s funeral
And not by his own sadness
But, that of his friends family
That deeply moved he wept

  • Maybe, that’s what I am fighting for that type of compassion
  • Or perhaps the injustices of this world, that we could one day arrive to a place like, Raymond Foss and  commemorate with jubilance
We gathered, took time off,
pondered our freedom,
on the anniversary
our Declaration of Independence
when we dissolved the political bonds
when we proclaimed, to the world,
what we hoped for, what we believed in
as a people, set apart,
that we hold these truths to be self-evident,
that we are born equal, each one,
that the creator gave us unalienable rights,
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

How wondrous are those words,
how much we have achieved
casting off the chains that hold us back
how far we have to go; but
We are free, by most measures

  • Well to me by men’s standard that is an honourable thing to fight for
  • See, that could be what I let people see, ignoring the actual fight happening and putting on a façade
  • But, I cannot be the only one fighting so I stalked some people in the most socially dignified way, on Facebook. To find that they too were fighting.
“Bare your blade and raise it high, stand your ground, the dawn will come.”

“Embrace what God is trying to do in your life! Your spiritual life and inner growth will overflow.”
"When I speak to you, I speak from Christ within me, Christ in you, Christ around us and Christ among us.”
“Yes a girl can look beautiful with short hair... rocking my natural hair like nobody’s business... Those who knew me for weave hitting and scratching... sorry no more.”
  • This fight thing I do not do alone, and not every fight is plainly seen
  • There have been men and women who fought; many carry scares; not all lay to be seen, in their clenched fists and bruised limbs, but rather in the Deep recesses of their hearts and winding valleys in their minds.
  • You asked me what I am fighting
  • Well, honestly, I’m fighting you most of the times. I fight myself.
  • And yes I walk through the corridors of life, with others walking along side me and passed me.
  • But most of the battles are with myself, which is both frustrating and heart-breaking
  • Yet I am nudged constantly, there’s this thing that keeps pulling me  and pushing me forward
  • Like the words uttered by Stephen King’s Red in the Walls of Shawshank State Prison
 “Let me tell you something my friend.
 Hope is a dangerous thing.
Hope can drive a man insane.”

  • Perhaps that’s why my fight is not in utter despair, because of Hope, remembering always
We are hard pressed on every side,
 but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair; 
persecuted, but not abandoned
;struck down, but not destroyed.

  • Perhaps like Paul (the Apostle) I too can on day say
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

  •  But until then in hope I continue to pray
In Him we live, In Him move, In Him we have our being. Now unto Him who is able to do, exceeding, abundantly, above all that we could ask or think or imagine, according to the power that is at work within us.
Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honour and glory forever and ever. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore.

With Love, Me

© A Journey of Greatness
Maira Gall