To: My Dad, my Brothers, my Uncles, my Cousins, my Teachers and my Friends.
I have been blessed to have great men in my life. People can be so quick to generalise and say that all men are bad and that there are no good men anymore. When we do say such I think that it comes from a place of pain and deep hurt.

History is full of Great people Men and Women. It sometimes feels like it is the grave site that holds all the great people but, I believe we have great people in our mists. The men who still open doors; the sweet lady who ask ‘how are you doing?’ and waits for an answer; the young boy who picks up someone else’s litter and throws it away; the teens who help a lady carry groceries to her car; the men who help an elderly couple change a tire at the side of a road….
Greatness surrounds us every single moment but, today I want to honour the Great Men in our world.
I want to be part of a generation that speaks out when wrong is done but, I also want to be part of the generation that celebrates the good in this life. So, Thank You to the Men.
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