I want to live a life of excellence, to want that is not enough I need to put some stuff into action. Taking each day as it comes... wait what does that mean ‘taking each day as it comes’? People like to say things like that, eat an elephant one bite at a time; take one step at a time; go through it slowly, take it easy; slow down. In the context of life, you need to be more specific at least with me.
Get practical I love the ‘idea’ of a theory but, there is so much in doing things that have power and I think that is what excellence is about. In the context of my life, I would say that when I am working on huge assignments take it a section at a time, do that one thing then move on to the next part. I guess that would be eating the elephant one bite at a time.
In my personal I seek for balance. Physically what I eat, how much and when I exercise? Socially, when and with whom should I interact? Intellectually, what am I reading and studying? Emotionally, am I processing things correctly and am I getting enough rest? I can’t work on all these things at the same time equally so in different seasons of my like I may pay more attention to one aspect of my life more than another. For example, in the exam season, I may find myself studying more than exercising… I will shelf that in my take it one step at a time section.
When learning something new I can go crazy and just Google accumulating knowledge but, not actually going through it. So maybe I should read it thoroughly and one sentence at a time understanding what is being said and actually thinking about it not just collecting ‘stuff’. That sounds like going through it slowly.
I tend to be more of a workaholic it’s not healthy although some may see it as a high work ethic it’s just the opposite extreme of laziness. With this reality I know I need to take breaks, take time out to sleep more, eat, read leisurely, so that’s what taking it easy means.
Slow down… LOL!!! Not everything has to be done quickly like a conversation with friends and family why rush through that, it is not a waste it is an investment in the relationship.
This is what excellence is about breaking everything down to understand it and do it well.
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