“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”
-African Proverb
I do not know your pain, but I know mine. Words are my medium of expression, so I write and I tell my story, a story not fully formed and highly flawed but, I write. Last night I decided to do a thing I have not done in a while, to write in my journal. I love to write, obviously but, I don’t always give myself the time, I steal from my own self...
Okay; I’m digressing, the journal, so after writing I came to discover that my journal entry was covered by the word “I”. I this, I that, I am, I have been, I, I, I. To find that I have consumed my whole life with myself, was a sobering moment for me. It is a simple fact that there is more to life than me. to ask another how are you doing, what is going on in your life, is not a difficult thing not even an obligation but, I believe that the care extended to another human being is Greatness. I never really thought that before but, today I do.
I have become the center of my own universe as if the world moves around an axis called me. I like to l think of myself (of course thinking about myself again) as a rather intelligent person, but at the hands of my self-obsession I have become stupid. Missing the lives that inhabit this earth so that I can focus on me I do, yet that is not what should be done.
Introspection is a journey of greatness, it's the stuff that makes us better people, people who understand the value in another human. There is more to life than me that more is you. I don’t even have to try but, switch on my phone to discover that today is a friend’s birthday. it would be yet another folly to take the stance that I do not matter and you first. What I do say is that my life should not just be me it should be you too. Last week I wrote on #blacklivesmatter I am still awed by what people had to say, even more, I am deeply touched by the deep emotions people feel about racism. living lives in isolation, it is comfortable, tranquil even yet to me never truly fulfilling.
Open your heart to hear what people have to say choose to ask difficult questions, in respect. how else will we grow, the people who surround us are not an ornament to abuse but, treasure and love. I admit right now I often forget to see people I walk by like they are merely walls I pass.
The human life is worth dying for and it's definitely worth living for, if only I could remind myself of that every morning, my life would be different but, even more, the lives of the people around me would be different. The I must die.
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